August 26, 2020
Hands up if you know what it feels like to be desperately searching for a public toilet when nature calls? We have all been there and it’s not pleasant, especially if you’re on a long road trip or you are mid-shop and searching for a baby change room because your little angel has just had a nasty poonami all over their clothes!
Well, you will never be caught out again thanks to an Australian National Public Toilet Map that helps you search for your closest public toilet.
You can search online or on the free official National Public Toilet Map App from the Australian Government Department of Health which shows the location of more than 18,000 publicly available toilets in Australia and includes details of accessibility, opening hours and other features such as sharps disposal and baby change. You can now also search for toilets with Australian Breastfeeding Association accredited Baby Care Rooms.
I think I just heard a loud communal sigh of relief!
For those who love a good road trip, another amazing feature of this map is the ability to plan your next trip and the public toilets available along the way. By simply entering the details of your journey from start to finish you can get a list of public toilets that will be on your journey. How is that for being super organised! I may just be able to enjoy that second glass of wine during my pub lunch and not have to worry about my husband complaining that he has to stop frequently for the next two hours on our country road trip!
Which brings me to the next obvious problem when it comes to public toilets - cleanliness!
Yes, you know what I mean. The apprehension you feel when you peer into the stall to see how clean it is. When you lift the lid and hope there isn’t any remnants from the person before. Or those nasty metal roadside toilets that are only frequently cleaned by blow flies. It takes someone special not to feel uneasy when having to use public toilets but for the rest of us, thank goodness we can use TUSHON 3Ply Toilet Seat Covers and their handy pocket size Hand and Surface Sanitiser Spray.
TUSHON is proudly an Australian design, patented internationally and provides the BEST 3Ply toilet seat cover on the market that comes in 21 discreet little pocket size packs. Made from 3Ply toilet paper they are biodegradable and flushable and provide complete coverage on ANY public toilet. Perfect for adults and kids, TUSHON was created by an Australian mum who wanted to provide the best protection for her family when visiting public toilets.
So, say goodbye to worrying about trying to find a public toilet next time you are on the go or worrying about the cleanliness of the ones you need to use. TUSHON has it covered!®
You’re welcome!
March 04, 2022
In recent times, creative and often humorous artwork has started to pop up more frequently on restroom doors.
Here is 10 funny restroom signs, some a little more confusing than others.
Which one is your favourite?
March 18, 2021
With school holidays just around the corner, road trips are back on the agenda for many people around Australia.
Road trips and travel always pose an increased risk of catching germs and bugs as we are exposed to closer contact with others and having to use more public amenities. Keeping your family healthy and safe so that you can enjoy your holiday and so that you don’t bring home any nasty bugs is easy with our road trip planner.
September 29, 2020
Sit don’t squat!
Do you hover or squat over public toilets when peeing?
Many people have concerns about sitting on public toilets as they are worried about what germs may be left on the seat from other users. In 2013 MOJO Concepts did a survey of 655 Australian women and found that 50% hovered when using public toilets and 40% would only sit on a public toilet if it was covered with toilet paper or a toilet seat cover.